Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Nursing home abuse and neglect is a difficult issue to face, but approximately 150,000 seniors experience nursing home abuse or neglect every year with approximately 1,800 cases resulting death. Many cases go unreported and unpunished. Most residents of nursing homes are fragile and vulnerable and are unable to protect themselves or seek help. Call us today if you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect or if you have lost a loved one to nursing home abuse or neglect. The Nordyke Law Offices has handled numerous cases involving abuse and neglect against nursing care facilities.

Examples of nursing home abuse include:

  • Physical abuse which includes, but is not limited to, an inappropriate use of restraints, pushing, hitting, burning and scratching.

  • Emotional abuse includes a wide range of actions and behaviors by the caregiver that causes emotional distress. Demeaning behavior, ignoring the resident, humiliation, and blaming are all forms of emotional abuse.

  • Sexual abuse occurs when non-consensual sexual contact is made with a resident in a nursing home.

Examples of nursing home neglect may include:

  • Developing Pressure Sores

  • Sustaining Multiple Falls

  • Dehydration and/or Malnutrition

  • Developing Infections

Taking Action Against Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Taking action is often the only way to stop the abuse and neglect and to prevent other nursing home residents from becoming victims. If you feel that your loved one is in immediate danger, it's best to remove them from the nursing home facility as soon as possible. Your suspicions should be reported to the proper state hotline. Once your loved one is safe, legal action should immediately be taken against the nursing home. Our team at Nordyke Law Offices can answer your questions and help guide you to your next step.

Contact Nordyke Law Offices at (660) 679-3161 for a free consultation. We’ll make things right for you.